We’re happy to share the Town of Tabor City, Town Plan 2040 Land Use Plan. The new plan was adopted by City Council June 14, 2022 after recommendations on April 28, 2022 by the Tabor City Planning and Zoning Board.
“The purpose of the Town of Tabor City Town Plan 2040 – Land Use Plan (“Town Plan”) is to provide information and perspective used to prioritize actions to support a resilient, self-sustaining community. Information contained in the Town Plan should serve as the basis for both investment and future development decisions.
Tabor City Town Plan has been designed for regular use by citizens, businesses, investors, leadership, and agencies in making decisions affecting the future of Tabor City. This Town Plan is vital to making informed decisions that will both account for current conditions while maintaining perspective about the future when doing so. A Town Plan is the foundation of almost all capital improvement and growth decisions. Adoption of Town Plan 2040 is not the end; it is a consensus on where to begin!”
New Land Use Maps can be found in the appendices of the Town Plan on pages 57-61 of the PDF.
We thank everyone involved in developing the new Town Plan.
Thank you to all who contributed their feedback, knowledge, expertise and deep history of the Town of Tabor City and their ideas for our future.
Special thanks to the authors, teams, groups and departments that saw this process through to completion, may this plan serve all well and improve as needed.
Planning Team
Tom Weitnauer, AICP, Town Planner, Lead Author
F. Richard “Rick” Flowe, AICP, Principal Planner, Coauthor
Michael D. Harvey, AICP, CFM, CZO, Senior Planner, Coauthor
Planning and Zoning Board
Mitchell Strickland, Chair
Derrick Vereen
Chris Soles
Dwayne Nobles
Patrick Milligan
Sparkle Graham
Ricky Thompkins
Javonna Long
Town Council
Royce Harper, Mayor
Lamont Grate, Mayor Pro Tem
Nelson Lee, Councilman
David Mincey, Councilman
Sam Rogers, Councilman
Administration Department
Lora Merritt Thompson, Town Clerk
Diane B. Ward, Finance Clerk
Amy Fowler, Utility Clerk
Mike Richardson, Chief Building Official
Your efforts will help us achieve greater success in the years and decades to come.