Our Tabor-Loris Tribune reported on the $375,000 award to the Town of Tabor City as part of the Golden LEAF funds for the TIP site prep process. This award is part of a $4.5 million funding of seven projects.
City Manager Al Leonard is quoted “Local government had to own it, the Committee of 100 was not eligible for these funds.” He continues, “The Committee of 100 gave away an asset n hopes of bringing industry… And we’re very thankful to Golden LEAF for the grant(funds awarded).”
Golden LEAF Board Chair Don Flow quoted on the SITE program’s importance, “The need for industrial sites, especially in rural areas, was a gap identified in our strategic planning process…As we have seen, ready sites are no longer a luxury but a necessity to move at the speed of business.”
Plans for the site will include landscaping and leveling for a parking lot and future building and extending water, sewer, natural gas and internet access.